I am the Butt

Welcome! Please let me take a moment to introduce myself……I am the Butt!

My name is Kim Ketcham. I am a lifelong Chicagoan and live in the northwest suburbs  with my husband Chris and my three children; Lacey, Alex, and Adam.  I absolutely love watching my daughter dance for her high school dance company. I also love watching my boys play baseball, soccer, basketball and doing Tae Kwon Do. Our family is crazy busy, or maybe we’re just crazy!

Being a mom to 3 kids is probably the most challenging and by far, the most rewarding job that I will ever have. However, throw a child with autism into the mix and life takes on an entirely new meaning. We have had many, many, MANY challenges with our youngest son Adam. There have been times when I didn’t know if I could muster up the energy to wake up and start all over again the next day. But on the flip side, raising a child with autism is pretty darn funny. I have learned how to look at the world through his eyes and I am really enjoying the journey!!

Kids with autism have many perseverations. I am sure that you may be familiar with kids getting hooked on trains, movies, music, various types of transportation, etc. They can talk hours and hours about their favorite topics. I however, am lucky enough to have a son with autism who takes an in-depth interest in my butt. He likes to remind me of the that infamous day, on May 4, 2014, when my butt caught his autism eye under a blue blanket. That was it…he was hooked.

Adam can talk for hours about my behind. He has nicknames for my butt, he loves to talk to my butt, he loves to pat it, pretend to tatoo it with some of his favorite train engine numbers. Ironically, he has found tomatoes in our garden in the shape of a butt. It would be all “butt talk” all the time, if I let him. We have strict rules in our house as to when and how much he can talk about my behind. In fact, his perseveration has become the “butt” of all of my friend’s jokes. My butt is so well-known all around town and I often wake up to text messages of funny pictures, tagged in “butt” posts on Facebook. I honestly never thought that I would be famous for my booty under these unique circumstances.

So now that you have a little background about me and the title of my blog, I hope that you visit often and enjoy reading my Tales from the Butt!

I feel so loved.....

I feel so loved…..

...oh, but there's more! Luckily, I dodged the tatoo this summer!!

…oh, but there’s more! Luckily, I dodged the tatoo this summer!!

Yes, this did happen....

Yes, this did happen….

This one appeared a few days later....

This one appeared a few days later….

He found this one day at a garden center. I couldn't resist!!

He found this one day at a garden center. I couldn’t resist!!

2 thoughts on “I am the Butt

  1. Pingback: I am the Butt | Tales From the Butt

  2. Greetings Kim, Thank you for your sweet and funny article here! I was just in Chicago, speaking at the Autism One conference about neurodevelopmental movements. These case studies are all from students of the Brain and Sensory Foundations course. They are brief and very inspiring and I am hopeful you will check this out and share with others this gift from our Creator that is helping so many.
    Kind Regards,
    Sonia Story

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